ABA | Applied Behavioral Analysis |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
AHA | American Hyperlexia Association |
AIT | Auditory Integration Training |
ARI | Autism Research Institute |
AS | Aspergers Syndrome |
ASA | Autism Society of America |
ASD | Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
BBCS | Bracken Basic Concept Scale |
BGC | Another kind of auditory training (initials of its creators) |
CAN | Cure Autism Now (merged with Autism Speaks) |
CHA | Canadian Hyperlexia Association |
CST | Child Study Team |
CT / CAT | Computerized (Axial) Tomography Scan |
DAN | Defeat Autism Now |
DD | Developmentally Disabled |
DMG | Dimethylglycine |
DTT | Discrete Trial Training |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
EMR | Educable Mentally Retarded |
EOWPVT | Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test |
ETS | Education Testing Service |
GCD | Globlal Communication Disorder |
GSN | Gifted with Special Needs |
HAILO | Computer software to facilitate language learning (also FastForword) |
HANDLE | Holistic Approach to Neurodevelopmental Learning Experiences |
HFA | High Functioning Autism |
KTEA | Kaufman Test of Individual Achievement |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IEP | Individualized Education Program |
IFSP | Individualized Family Services Plan |
LD | Learning Disabled/Disability/Disordered; also Language Disordered |
LDA | Learning Disabilities Association |
LFA | Low Functioning Autistic |
LLD | Language Learning Disorder |
MAAP | More Abled Autistic Persons |
MMR | Midly Mentally Retarded |
NCC | Non-Categorical Categorical |
NOS | Not Otherwise Specified |
NT | Neurologically Typical |
NU | Neurologically Unique |
OCD | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
OT | Occupational Therapy/Therapist |
PDD | Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
PT | Physical Therapy/Therapist |
SELD | Severe Expressive Language Delay |
SNG | Special Needs Gifted |
SPD | Semantic Pragmatic Disorder |
TAG | Talented and Gifted |
TAPS | Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills |
TOLD | Test of Language Development |
TOWL | Test of Written Language |